Department Of History
Goswami Ganesh Dutt Sanatan Dharam College at Palwal was established in 1955 by the great social reformer since Goswami Ganesh Dutt. Since its inception the history as a subject is being taught by various profound intellectuals
At present Sh. Ranbir Singh astt. Professor and head of dept. is teaching History since January 31, 2007. He is very dynamic, visionary and helpful.
Sh. Ranbir Singh is M.A. and M.Phil from U.T.D. Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak and UGC(NET) as well. He has deep interest in education and for this, he has done B.Ed also. He has attended and published. Many research papers in various national seminars. He has two research papers published in his account.
- Organized a Guest Lecture on “National Integration: Problems and Prospects” on 4th November, 2016 in which Prof. DC Vidalankar, Dept. of Hindi, GGDSD College, Palwal delivered his ideas.
- Organized a Guest Lecture on “Political Economy of Poverty: An Indian Experience” on 17th October, 2016 in which Prof. SRTP Raju, Dept. of Political Science, JMI, University, New Delhi delivered his ideas
- Organized a Guest Lecture on “Challenges before Democracy: An Indian Experience” on 15th September, 2016 on the occasion of ‘International Day of Democracy’ in which Prof Rajesh Jha, Dept. of Political Science, Rajdhani College, Delhi University, Delhi and Prof Prem Chand, Dept. of Political Science, ARSD College, Delhi University, Delhi delivered their lectures.
- Delivered a Guest Lecture on “Communalism and Its Impacts on Indian Politics” at Govt. College, Hodal, Hry on 2nd September, 2016.
- Organized a Guest Lecture on “Communalism in Indian Politics: A Historical Analysis” on 17th August, 2016 in which Dr. Mahabir Singh Khatri , Principal, NBGSM, College, Sohana, Gurgaon delivered his ideas.
- Organized a Guest lecture on “Career Advancement” by Prof. Suresh Kumar Verma from CCMG, Jamia Milia Islamia University, New Delhi on 25th February, 2015.
- Organized a talk on the “Literacy: A Boon or a Curse?” on the World Literacy Day in September, 2014 in which Dr. Subedar Singh, Associate Professor in Political Science, Govt. College, Hodal and andDr. Jagdish Chaudhary, Principal, Balaji College of Education, Ballabgarh, delivered lectures.
- • Organized a lecture on “Organ Donation: A Social Concern” on 13th August , 2014 where Dr. Rajiv Agarwal, Cardiac Expert and Shri Pradeep Goyal, Social Activist, delivered lectures.
- Organized a lecture on “Elders: Bless or Boon” on 1st October, 2013
Our College team won many prizes in inter college quiz contests and youth festivals (Zonals and Interzonals) organized by MDU Rohtak. Organized first national seminar (Two Days) on 19-20 March 2015 on the topic Election Process and Reforms in India : Past,Present and Future. The seminar was sponsored by ICSSR, North Western Region Chandigarh.
Department Of Political Science
The department of Political Science was established since the inception of the College in 1955 with the primary aim to cater the needs of the student of Palwal region which is the one of the backward area in terms of educational development parameters in Haryana. The department is well equipped with the latest apparatus, instruments required for spreading the knowledge among students.
The faculty members are highly qualified and experienced. Dr. Rajbir Singh, HOD, who has done M.A., M.Phil and Ph.D. from one of the best university called Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and cleared UGC NET also. Dr. Meena Kumari has done M.A., M.Phil and Ph.D. from M.D.U. Rohtak. Faculty members regularly attend and participate conferences, seminars and workshops to get themselves well equipped with the latest information and knowledge. They transfer the same to the students for their betterment. Dr. Rajbir Singh has presented many research papers in various National and International conferences and seminars.
Dr. Rajbir Singh has recently deliver lecture as Resource-Person on “Women’s Right in India with special reference to Haryana” in one day National Seminar on 31st March 2014 at SMM, Palwal. More than five researches papers of Dr. Rajbir Singh have been published in various National and International journals and books. The department is successfully running research schemes. The all round development of students is facilitated through talks, seminars, group discussion and quizzes. PDP classes have led the students to develop social, moral, ethical and leadership qualities in them. Other than academics, students are taught practical things as how to cope up with emerging challenges in society

Dr.Meena Kumari
M.A English, M.A Political science, M.phil, Ph.D
Assistant Prof. in political science
Organized a Guest Lecture on “National Integration: Problems and Prospects” on 4th November, 2016 in which Prof. DC Vidalankar, Dept. of Hindi, GGDSD College, Palwal delivered his ideas
Organized a Guest Lecture on “Political Economy of Poverty: An Indian Experience” on 17th October, 2016 in which Prof. SRTP Raju, Dept. of Political Science, JMI, University, New Delhi delivered his ideas.
Organized a Guest Lecture on “Challenges before Democracy: An Indian Experience” on 15th September, 2016 on the occasion of ‘International Day of Democracy’ in which Prof Rajesh Jha, Dept. of Political Science, Rajdhani College, Delhi University, Delhi and Prof Prem Chand, Dept. of Political Science, ARSD College, Delhi University, Delhi delivered their lectures
Delivered a Guest Lecture on “Communalism and Its Impacts on Indian Politics” at Govt. College, Hodal, Hry on 2nd September, 2016.
Organized a Guest Lecture on “Communalism in Indian Politics: A Historical Analysis” on 17th August, 2016 in which Dr. Mahabir Singh Khatri , Principal, NBGSM, College, Sohana, Gurgaon delivered his ideas.
Organized a Guest lecture on “Career Advancement” by Prof. Suresh Kumar Verma from CCMG, Jamia Milia Islamia University, New Delhi on 25th February, 2015.
Organized a talk on the “Literacy: A Boon or a Curse?” on the World Literacy Day in September, 2014 in which Dr. Subedar Singh, Associate Professor in Political Science, Govt. College, Hodal and andDr. Jagdish Chaudhary, Principal, Balaji College of Education, Ballabgarh, delivered lectures
Organized a lecture on “Organ Donation: A Social Concern” on 13th August , 2014 where Dr. Rajiv Agarwal, Cardiac Expert and Shri Pradeep Goyal, Social Activist, delivered lectures.
Organized a lecture on “Elders: Bless or Boon” on 1st October, 2013.
Department Of Sanskrit
Goswami Ganesh Dutt Sanatan Dharam College at Palwal was established in 1955 by the great social reformer since Goswami Ganesh Dutt. Since its inception the Sanskrit as a subject is being taught by various profound intellectuals
At present Dr. Renu Rani Sharma, Associate Professor and Head Of Dept. is teaching Sanskrit since October 13, 1997. She is very dynamic, visionary and helpful.
Dr. Renu Rani Sharma is M.A. , M.Phil and Ph.D from A.M.U, Alligarh . She has deep interest in education and She has attended and presented many research papers in various National Seminars.
Goswami Ganesh Dutt Sanatan Dharam college,palwal was established in 1955. Department of sanskrit was the first department to be setup under the leadership of goswami ganesh dutt ji maharaj.
Sanskrit is a reparatory of unlimited invaluable knowledge of ancient Indian heritage.
There is need for knowledge of ancient sanskrit and technology texts for bridging the gap between the past and future through present.
Keeping in view a Department of Sanskrit was established in 1955. Which now acts as an interface between sanskrit and the subfields of the humanities and social- science.
Developing innovative teaching methods of Sanskrit.
To build bridges between the Ancient Indian knowledge systems and current knowledge systems.
To explore ancient literature with a modern perspective.
To teach scholars in order to undertake research application oriented works.
To prove applicability of ancient texts & basic principles in this modern Era.
Promoting traditional shartras and showing there relevance to the students.

Dr. Renu Rani Sharma
M.A – Gold Medal M.Phil Ph.D. Alma -Matter- Aligrah Muslim University, Aligarh
Associate Professor
Preparing students for the last 19 years for sanskrit play , sanskrit shlok uccharan and sanskrit declamation for youth festival and college activities.
Students have won prizes for these activities
दृश्टि (Vision)
हिन्दी भाशी क्षेत्रों में हरियाणा का महत्वपूर्ण स्थान है। राश्ट्रभाशा हिन्दी के विकास हेतू हिन्दी भाशी क्षेत्र प्रयासरत है। सम्पूर्ण भारत में हिन्दी राश्ट्रभाशा के रुप में प्रचारित हो, हिन्दी को राश्ट्रभाशा का सम्मान प्राप्त हो, यही हिन्दी भाशी क्षेत्रों का प्रयास है।
महाविद्यालय का हिन्दी विभाग प्रबुद्ध, कर्मठ, परिश्रमी एवम् राश्ट्रभाशा की उन्नति के लिए प्रयासरत है। हिन्दी विभाग में 4 सह-प्रोफेसर कार्यरत हैं, जिसमें एक सह-प्रोफेसर डी0लिट्0 एवम् दो प्रोफेसर पीएच0डी0 की उपाधि से सुषोभित हैं।
हिन्दी भाशा को लोकप्रिय बनाने के लिए भाशा के सरल रुप को महत्त्व देकर हिन्दी की गरिमा को प्रतिश्ठित करना, राजभाशा को राश्ट्रभाशा की स्वीकार्यता तक पहुॅंचाते हुए हिन्दी भाशा के विद्यार्थियों को योग्य षिक्षक, कवि, लेखक, अनुवादक, आलोचक, भाशा-वैज्ञानिक व आदर्ष पत्रकार बनने के लिए पथ-प्रदर्षन करना।
‘निज भाशा उन्नति अहै, सब उन्नति को मूल।
बिन निज भाशा ज्ञान के मिटत न हिय को सूल।।
Department Of English
English is the most widely read language in the world. One in every seven human beings can speak .English has the largest vocabulary, perhaps as many as two million words. English is also a crazy language. There is no egg in egg plant. How do “a wise man” and “a wise guy” differ in meaning? Why are “ever book” and oversee” antonyms? Why are “quite a less” and “quite a few” alike”? One marvels at the unique lunacy of a language in which when stars are out they are visible, but when lights are out they are invisible. It is because English was not invented by computers. It has the creativity of the human race (which is not a race at all). Apart from the beauty of this funny language, the fact remains that we can’t afford to do away with it. The fact we have a large English speaking population (the third largest in the world after the USA and UK), is today working in our favour and because of it we are able to provide good jobs to these people as we are becoming a power to contend with in the IT, ITES and BPO industries, all of which need a good working knowledge of English.
Since computers are becoming more and more important for the world today as the time goes by (PM has started also the project Digital India). These sectors are likely to grow, providing more and more English. Speaking Indians with jobs and earning the country more and more foreign exchange. In short our knowledge of English is propelling our economy forward. So India needs young people with a good knowledge to maintain our growth rate. English department is playing its role very significantly to augment the process of achieving this aim. It consist of four associate professors and all of them are highly intellectual who leave no stone unturned to impart knowledge and value based education to their students using latest innovative techniques.
The department envisions inculcating among students an urge to study and develop English language skills. Efforts are in the swing to bring in English Honours and M.A English so that the local student, aspiring to be proficient in English, can be benefitted. A language lab is to be established in the near future.
Mr. Balkar
- Attended orientation course sponsored by U.G.C. held at Shimla University and presented a paper on the topic “Media and Society”. Published a paper in academic staff college magazine on the topic ‘AIDS: Causes and Awareness’.
- He participated in twenty one day U.G.C. sponsored refresher course held at Kurukshetra University and presented a paper on the topic: “Social and Economic Exploitation in Collie”.
- He attended a two day national seminar sponsored by U.G.C held at D.A.V Centenary College, Faridabad the topic was “Human Rights Awareness”
- He attended HEC sponsored national seminar on “Problems of Teaching of English in Colleges” held at D.A.V College Sadhaura Yamunanager.
- He attended two days U.G.C sponsored seminar on the topic held at Dayal Singh College Karnal.
- He attended D.G.H.E sponsored one day national seminar and presented a paper on the topic “Higher Education in India”
- He attended D.G.H.E sponsored two days national seminar held at G.G.D.S.D College Palwal on the topic “Hindi Sahitya aur Bazaarvaad”
- Dr. Gita Rani Sharma guided four M.Phil students who submitted their dissertation to different Universities. She presented four papers in Jamia Milia Islamia University, Delhi and Rajasthan University, Jaipur.
- Dr. Manjula Batra has 11 research papers to her credit. She presented a paper in the international seminar on ‘The Echoes of Gita in World Literature’ held in Delhi university. This paper has been widely acclaimed and has been published in the book wonder entitled. “The GITA in world Literature. She attended seminar as a resource person on “Autobiographies of Indian Woman Writers” and also presented a paper. She attended and presented a paper on Indian Cultural relations in 2012. A Book of about 55 poems penned down by her is soon to be published. Her book entitled “The pattern of images in the poetry and plays of T.S. Eliot” is under publication.”
- Dr. N.K. Goel guided 5 M.Phil students and presented two papers in Jamia Milia Islamia University, Delhi.